I can't decide if I should cut my hair or not. I had a dream last night that I cut it off and it looked really cute. I posted a few photos of haircuts I like. I am probably hoping that once I cut my hair I will turn in Charlize or Cameron. What does everyone think? I just can't decide....HELP!
What is your nickname?

I love nicknames. I think they are so endearing. I have given out some nicknames to family and friends that have stood the test of time. For Example:
Brandon is now BEEZER (his pre-school teacher calls him beezer too, sorry Beezer)
Kathy is now KATARINA
Collette is now COCO
Amber is now BAM BAM
Tom is now THUMB (newly listed!)
I have a couple nicknames....CHI CHI, Raquelita, Chel, Rach, Rachie, Cheechers, Punta Gorda, Tuna. (most of these are given to me by my sister Amber)
We call Holland...Bug, CuddleBug, Bugaboo, Sweetie, Sweetheart, and Gunka Lou (that one came out of nowhere)
We call Ethan...Cutie, Eth, Ethan Pethan, Cutie Patutie Baby Boy, Little, and Gunka (weird, I know)
What are some of your nicknames?

I want to go on strike. I am not very good at cleaning. When I was 14 I worked as a janitor at an elementary school. I was fired because I did not clean very well. I admit, I did not do a very good job. The little boy's urinals were awful! Yes, I only did it for the money. It was a pretty meager paycheck too...$100 a month! I should really walk around with a disclaimer pinned to me saying, " Warning: Can't Clean". Well, I know I CAN clean, but I am tired of it.
I think the only productive cleaning I finished last week was washing my bedroom sheets/comforter. Which I LOVE more than anything. If I could afford a housekeeper, I would have them clean my floors, wash my sheets every 3 days, scrub bathrooms, and wash dishes... which you now know I hate (read "my honey" post). I have a long list of things I need to do this week. We will see how I do.
Lately I sit on my couch thinking about it. Which is so dumb because I start to feel frustrated that I can't get my butt off the couch. Speaking of my butt...it is very flabby lately. I need to go to the gym, but I only think about it.
I love this quote...."Housework is a treadmill from futility to oblivion with stop offs at tedium and counter productivity" Erma Bombeck
My Honey

Best Dad. When the babies were just a few months old he would encourage me to go out with my friends. I would go out ALOT. He would take the twins to his brother's basketball games all by himself. The kids love him. They are asking for "daddy" all day long (Kills me a little because they really don't say "mommy" yet). He is the best.
Sunday Dishes. I no longer have to do the dishes on Sunday. I usually put on quite a spread for the Sabbath, so this is a HUGE plus. And if anyone knows me, they know I hate to do the dishes! What women likes to do them?

Breakfast. Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day.Ryan makes the best waffles, pancakes, and french toast. He makes them on the weekends for us. YUM-O!

Cuddle & TV. We love to cuddle on the couch nightly to watch our 20 favorite TV shows we have recorded.
p.s. the only complaint is I find his rolled up socks in the strangest places...
2nd Attempt at Celebrity Look Alikes
My cool celebrity look-alike collage from MyHeritage.com. Get one for yourself.

The first celebrity look - a - likes were not cute enough for me so I needed to do another one. I admit, I can be a bit vain. I encourage everyone to do it enough times until they are satisfied with their chosen celebrities!

The first celebrity look - a - likes were not cute enough for me so I needed to do another one. I admit, I can be a bit vain. I encourage everyone to do it enough times until they are satisfied with their chosen celebrities!
We bought a gas hog
We bought a car. YIPEE!
We have been without a 2nd car for 6 months now. Now, I actully have some freedom during the day. I know we should not buy SUVs because they get super duper bad gas mileage. We did it anyway...I was having second thoughts as
we were at the gas station for 20 minutes filling up the tank. It hurt the pocketbook too. We needed a bigger car tht fit ALL of us. Remember, Ryan is almost 7 feet and the babies are growing by the minute. Plus, we do not think minivans are that cool. They are for some people, but not the Rays. My two sisters drive them and love them. I love the minivans too, but I do prefer a SUV. I love the big wheels, heated leather seat and keyless entry. AHHHHHH!
Time Flies...
When I was younger older people used to always say to me, "Boy, time does fly!" Here I am saying the same thing...I guess I am getting old! I cannot believe we are already in March. I have been thinking about how fast the twins have grown in the last 5 months and it makes me a little sad. They will be 18 months the end of March (sniff, sniff). Here is a video montage of the last 2 months. ENJOY!
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