
At Church today...

(Holland, Beezer, and Ethan on Christmas Eve, 2007)

I gave Holland and Ethan bread and water during Sacrament today. After they finished their water they said (very loudly), " Yummy Juice".


Kendee said...

Very cute.

Mrs. Dub said...

yeah, Miss Dub often likes to growl during prayers. very appropriate, our young ones.

Joanne Brown said...

How cute :) When my oldest son was about 3 he embarrassed us during Sacrament. The 'brother' who was passing the sacrament was bald. My son piped up (obviously in a very loud voice!), why does that man have no hair? Aren't kids the best :) lol

Alifinale said...

I love it. How great that your kids think that water is juice...I wish mine would so she can get off her juice addiction.

Mandee said...

So cute!

Emily Osborne said...

Lauren "accidentally" grabs a handful of bread each week. It's her lunch.