We wish you all a Fun, Safe, and Merry Christmas!!!

Another year has flown by....The twins have grown considerably. Holland can say just about anything. Just the other day when I was cleaning up she told me "Good Job". She can also count to 10 and say her ABCs. She loves a good cuddle in the morning and evening. She calls herself "Honin". As soon as she sees me or Ryan she will say "Hi Mommy" or "Hi Daddy". She loves when Daddy comes home because she looks forward to a BIG kiss and a bear hug. She loves a good tantrum...but that is when the cuddling really comes in handy.
Ethan LOVES choo choos and trucks. He has the movie Polar Express memorized from start to finish. He also loves to be thrown about. Ethan loves when daddy comes home because he knows it is time for"rough housing". He gives me the sweetest smile. You know, the ones that melt your heart. He loves to be with his sister. When she is asleep he will go in their room and talk to her until she wakes up. He mumbles alot..but believe me he thinks he is saying real words. Some of his favorite words right now are "No, You, Tree, Dada, Choo Choo, Snow, Outside, What's that? and truck".
Ryan loves his new job at Discover. He has been with the company well over 10 years so it is good that his job is fulfilling. In addition, he has also become quite the handyman. This old house we bought needs alot of work. We have finished our downstairs and 50% of the upstairs. We have done alot of the renovating of our home to ourselves. Ryan is now proficient in installing doors, staining and painting banisters as well as electrical work. In the evenings I find him in the garage with his new table saw. The TV is not getting much use anymore. It may be time to disable the TIVO. AND I am pretty sure Ryan can also count to ten like Holland...or maybe even to 100.
p.s. I think he is cute.
Me, well, I am busy with kids, work, friends and my church responsibilities. I also find time to go shopping once and awhile. If I am lucky I will also get in a "short run" or workout at the gym. The twins definitely keep me busy. They test me on a daily basis. As they get older I find myself putting them in time out more often, cleaning up more messes, and receiving more juicy kisses. We have the most fun at weekly playgroup and the indoor tree house at the Mall ( I secretly love it because I can window shop). I love working with the youth at church. We have already had 2 sleepovers and 1 week long camping trip. I love the energy and vivaciousness the girls bring into my life.
Overall, our lives have truly been blessed this year. Living away from family and close friends is hard at times. But, I love my little family of four and the joy our little ones bring us.
Can't wait to see what 2008 brings!