I am so proud of my Dad. One of his dreams is to publish a book. In fact, he just published his second book. You can find it here. I have a special place in my heart for this book because I was a consultant for part of it. This post's for you, dad!
(Me reading the manuscript)
(Me reading the manuscript)
(grandparents & grandkids)
yea for your dad!
I just got my postcard from D about his book and it is hanging on my fridge. I love the cover you and dad picked. Very carefree and hip. Tap away!
That is awesome. Congrats to your dad (and you for helping him out)
It's nice when the REAL Rachel Ray posts up a tribute like this. I want to give credit to the author of this book, Dr. Gary Laundre. I am indebted to Rachel, whose interest in my work prompted her to get involved, thus leading us to a terrific book cover and other valuable marketing elements. Thank you, Princess!
Congrats to your dad for the book and for fulfilling his dreams! Congrats to you for your work!
Okay, I just spent a little time on this...dad and mostly the doc did the rest. I really shouldn't take any credit!
That looks like a great book. I would definitely read it. Is it already available?
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