(Rick, Alex, Rachel, Ryan - Canada)
We had lots of fun in Canada. I loved spending time with my BFF, Alex. Ryan enjoyed spending time with his BFF, Rick. We played Canasta Cards until our eyes turned blue. I will never forget Ryan getting mad at Rick telling him "I give up" after instructing Rick how to play the game. Apprarently Rick was not playing how Ryan instructed him.
Are you curious how we are all BFFs?
It all started with me, actually. I met Alex at my church one Sunday in 1998. She was nannying for a family in Draper, Utah. I really could not understand a thing she said because she had an Australian accent. It eventually grew on me and I was able to understand that a jumper (sweater), boot (hood), and nappy (diaper) was. We had a great time while she lived in Utah. We traveled all over together: France, Italy, Amsterdam, Germany, Colorado, California, parts of Southern Utah. We were inseprable. She was and still is my closest friend.
(Ryan, Rachel, Alex, Rick - Australia)
In 2004, Ryan and I visited the Kemps in Perth, Australia for 2 weeks. Alex and I had only kept in touch with emails, letters and the occasional phone call. So this was a true test of our friendship. Would we still be friends? We arrived to her charming home weeks before Christmas. I had never met her husband and I never had a chance to approve/disapprove. But it was a little late now because she had 2 kids with him
During our visit in Australia, Ryan became the best of friends with Rick. They hung out and talked about sports and differences in the US and Australia. I am sure they wanted to prove what country was better. Anyway, they were constantly arguing. I think that must be what their friendship is based on...
(Rick, Alex, Rachel, Ryan - Las Vegas)
Then in 2006, The Kemps visited us in Utah. They traveled more than 24 hours with 2 kids to get to us. We had a great time traveling around Utah and Las Vegas.
That is how we became BBFs! Awwwww, so sweet...
We love the Kempys!