He will be missed

Daddy's Home!
There are definite plus and minuses when husbands go out of town.
Some of the minuses:
No one with to watch "Hereos" (our new fave)
No cuddling
No one to make dinner for
No one to take out the trash
Photoshop is my friend
My Favorite

This is by far my favorite mascara. I used to use Lancome mascara, but not anymore. Dior can be found at Sephora (if you are interested). I love it because I do not have to use an eyelash curler. It curls your lashes all by itself. It smells good while applying it to my lashes. It lasts forever (at least 5 months). It took me a long time to find a good mascara. Because if I were stranded on a deserted island and I could only have 3 things. I would choose a computer with Internet access for blogging, chapstick and Dior Mascara!

My Birthday Week

Dang Carseats
We bought Evenflo carseats for them when they outgrew their Graco infant seats. And now I need to purchase another set of carseats. However, there is a problem. My kids are both around 38 " tall and over 30 pounds (Holland is pushing 36 pounds). I have been researching booster/carseats that include the 5 point harness - this is where the problem lies. I have only found about 5 or 6 to choose from. Most of them say you can only put them in the harness until 40 pounds. After they reach 40 pounds they need to use the regular seat belt. But my kids are only 2 and they should not use a regular carseat until 4 years old.

Graco Platinum CarGo (99.99) will only hold them in the harness until 40 pounds. Graco is a trusted brand and it is reasonably priced. But it would be a stupid purchase because I would most likely need to buy something else in 6 months.
This one by Safety 1st ($109) fits my weight requirements. I can use the harness up to 65 pounds and then as a booster. It just looks so dang uncomfortable. This one by Safeguard ($139) can be used with the harness up to 60 pounds. It look uncomfy and I have never heard of the brand.

I should have bought this one about 1 1/2 years ago and I would not be in this mess. The Britax Marathon ($269) holds them until they are 65 pounds.
I am going to win this...