
More on Oprah

(stacy took this in the studio...we have a rebel on our hands)

Here I am finally getting around to posting more stuff about my day at Harpo Studios. It was great to see my good friend, Oprah. If you want a nicely written re-cap of the day, you will have to go here. I can only provide pix and video.

Here is a little video of me on TV with Oprah! Enjoy!


I am going to see HER...

I am heading out the door tomorrow at 5:15 am to pick up this gal, and then we are on our way to see Oprah. It is one of her "live" shows, so you will have to tune in tomorrow.
My imagination is running wild. I keep thinking that I am in for a big surprise. Like I am really going to be on her "favorites" show or she wants to give me a makeover, or better yet, makeover my house. Or maybe talk about my famous name... I know I will be lucky if I am seen in the audience! This is my second time attending her show - I know how it goes.


Sorry, please, thank you and you're welcome...

Ethan is probably the most polite boy you know. He says "sorry, please, thank you and your welcome" on every occasion. It is really sweet and he is seriously the sweetest boy in the world. I know, because I have checked ever last inch.
He is such a little joy. He laughs at everything. And he laugh is the best because it is almost like a little growl. I love how he gets really hyper in the evenings. He bounces off the walls and does the goofiest things -- it is so funny to me.
Everyone tells me he looks like Ryan, but I am sure the only thing he gets from me is sweet disposition!

"I can't want to..."

That phrase is accompanied by every tantrum. They happen anytime of the day too. Last night she threw a tantrum at 3 AM. I am not even kidding. She is seriously driving me N-U-T-S!
Boy, do I love her though. I can't wait until the tantrum is over so I can cuddle her and kiss her squishy cheeks. My life is a mom is never a dull moment.



Siena is here!!!!My little niece is made her debut today at 4:00 PM. I am super sad I am not in Utah to cuddle her. I hear she is beautiful and small and perfect. But what else is family suppose to say?
My sister 'aint doing too bad either. I heard rumors she did not even tear (Bravo, L). She will need her strength because two kids is SO much different.


Happy Birthday Hotstuff

I like having this 34 year old in my life...hope you had a great BIRTHDAY! Love you to pieces.


weekend with mama

My mom spent the weekend with us. It was so great having her here. We were busy and took lots of photos...
botanic gardens

just lunch

WICKED night

photo shoot

fall is here in full force!

didier farm

car ride @ didier


Get Away

We celebrated our 8th anniversary in Lake Delvan, Wisconsin. Ryan surprised me with a little get away. We spent the weekend eating, shopping, and resting. Below are lots of lovey, dovey
photos. And yes, we wear lots of stripes.

p.s. thanks for all your help with presents. I ended up getting him 8 gifts. He was spoiled rotten!


A is for Apple

The twins and I invited our friends to the Apple Festival in Long Grove. We has a fantastic time eating apple donuts, riding the pony/train, and of course - getting our fill on Apples!


mr. alligator can't catch me

It is all about my kids these days. I love when she sings this song...


Eight more sleepies...

(holland, ethan, and mimi making cupcakes)
Until my mom comes to visit us.
We are so excited to have her all to ourselves.
The kids are counting down her arrival...